At CEDA we value each and every customer, and we will assist you in the best possible way with pride and respect. We pledge to provide a warm, friendly, efficient and courteous service when interacting with you....

Equity Funding
Investment Criteria
CEDA's selection criterion takes the following into account:
Business Plan
A clearly defined and realistic business plan giving a clear strategy for its success.
The business should have or provide for a highly skilled and committed management team
Citizen Empowerment
Being an empowerment vehicle CEDA requires that the businesses it finances have citizen participation. This translates to having citizens forming part of both the ownership structure of the business including participation in the management of the business.
Owners Contribution
The promoters are required to take personal risk in their projects and will make an equity contribution which equates to a minimum of 15% of the funding requirement.
Growth potential and Returns
We are interested in ventures with exceptionally high growth potential capable of providing financial returns commensurate with the level of risk taken. The investment must achieve a minimum internal rate of return (IRR) of 25%.
Size of target Company
P4 million to P30 million.
Ownership Requirement
CEDA requires that it holds a significant but minority equity stake i.e a minimum of 26% but not more than 49% of the Investee company's ordinary shares.
Typical holding period to exit
5-10 years.
Types of transactions
Start-ups or green fields.
Early stage investing.
Expansion capital.
Mergers and acquisitions.
Restructuring and turnarounds
Management buyouts and buy-ins
As a rule we seek representation on the Board of Directors of our Investee companies.
Classes of Capital Used
Equity capital (ordinary shares)
Mezzanine capital (preference shares, debenture notes, options and warrants)
Debt (provided CEDA has an equity stake in the company)
Equity Funding